quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010


The Holocaust (from Greek ὁλόκαυστος [holókaustos]: hólos, "whole" and kaustós, "burnt"), also known as The Shoah is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany. The man responsable for that was Adolf Hitler.
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other political and religious opponents. By this definition, the total number of Holocaust victims would be between 11 million and 17 million people.

Eberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".

To remember holocaust victims, Gunter Demnig created Stolpersteine.
Stones are neatly paved into the sidewalk, they force passers-by to stop and read them. “Here lived” begins the inscriptions engraved in brass on the concrete squares measuring about four inches—on each one, just the name, date, and place of death of a person killed by the Nazis.

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010


Pacemaker is a medical device used to regulate the heartbeat.
The first pacemaker was external and dangerous because they could eletrocute the person who using that.
Wilson Greatbatch pantented this in 50s but the first pacemaker(external) was used by an American doctor, in 1952, to reanimate two patients. One of them live 20 minutes and another 11 months. Pacemaker was implanted by the first time in a person in 1958 in Sweden. Rune Ellmquyist managed to make a pacemaker small enough to be implanted in a person.
The first pacemaker in Portugal was used by Décio Ferreira Martins in 1962.
Pacemaker are used in brain surgery too.
This invention allows a better quality of life to people who have a cardiac problem.
We think that is an important invention to humanity because it can save lives.

quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010

Josh Groban_You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)

Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
When your heart's heavy
I...I will lift it for you
Don't give up
Because you want to be heard
If silence keeps you
I...I will break it for you

Everybody wants to be understood
Well, I can hear you
Everybody wants to be loved
Don't give up
Because You Are Loved

Don't give up
It's just the hurt that you hide
When you're lost inside
I'll be there to find you
Don't give up
Because you want to burn bright
If darkness blinds you
I...I will shine to guide you


Kings Of Leon_Use Somebody

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

Science-Fiction movies

Our teacher ask us:
"Can you explain why these kind of movies have so many fans? What makes them so special or appealing to movie-goers? Are you personally a fan of science-fiction movies? Explain by giving examples."
We think that these movies have so many fans because they make the people travel to others worlds and the people can dream with something that they never saw and never could live.
These films appeal to movie-goers because technology allows the best image quality, graphics, sound and production.
"Avatar" and "Alice in Wonderland" are an example of science-fiction movies and probably have so many fans because people can imagine they are playing in that.
We like science-fiction movies because all of the reasons we explain previously.

Bullet For My Valentine_Walking The Demon

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010

Dinner For One

"Dinner For One" is a comical programme written by British author Lauri Wylie in the 1920s.
Every year in the same day, on New Year's Eve, this programme is broadcasted in several countries.

"The sketch presents the 90th birthday of elderly upper-class Englishwoman Miss Sophie, who hosts a dinner every year for her close friends Mr Pommeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Sir Toby, and Admiral von Schneider to celebrate the occasion. The problem is that given Miss Sophie's considerable age, she has outlived all of her friends, and so her equally aged manservant James makes his way around the table, impersonating each of the guests in turn. Miss Sophie decides on appropriate drinks to accompany the menu of the evening, consisting of Mulligatawny soup (Miss Sophie orders sherry), North Sea haddock (with white wine), chicken (with champagne), and fruit for dessert (with port) served by James, and so he finds himself raising (and emptying) his glass four times per course. That takes its toll, increasingly noticeable in James' growing difficulty in pouring the drinks, telling wine glasses from vases of flowers, and refraining from bursting into song. Even before the alcohol begins to exert its influence, he has trouble avoiding the head of a tiger skin laying on the floor between the dinner table and the buffet.

The crucial exchange during every course is:

James: The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?
Miss Sophie: The same procedure as every year, James!
After the dinner, Miss Sophie indicates to a very drunk James that she wishes to retire to bed, to which James responds:

James: By the way, the same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?
Miss Sophie (delightedly): The same procedure as every year, James!
James: Well, I'll do my very best!"

By: Nitti*

quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010


Vampires are a mythological creatures who subsist by feeding themselves on the life essence(blood). Some peolple believe in vampires and others are afraid of them. For us vampires don't exist.
Teenagers are fascinated by vampires because of the books of Stephanie Meyer. The story is around a romance between a human girl and a vampire.

Nowadays vampires are so fascinating and have so many fans that all over the world we can see films or series with them, most of them based in the stories of Stephanie Meyer.
We have never read a book of Stephanie Meyer but Joana saw "Twilight" and "New Moon".
I(Ana) would like to read the books but I haven't had the opportunity.
Although Stepnhanie Meyer is more recent, the most famous vampires story is "Dracula".


Keane_Nothing In My Way

A turning tide
Lovers at a great divide
Why d'you laugh
When I know that you hurt inside?

And why'd you say
It's just another day, nothing in my way
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay
So there's nothing left to say?
And why'd you lie
When you wanna die, when you hurt inside
Don't know what you lie for anyway
Now there's nothing left to say

A tell-tale sign
You don't know where to draw the line


Well for a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time
You're having such a nice time

For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time
For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you're having such a nice time
You're having such a nice time