Hi! We created this blog because our English teacher suggested it to us in English class. This year we have a new member and with him we hope to make our blog better. And, as our English teacher says: "A smile goes a long way!"
quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010
Easter Parade

quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010
"All the right friends in all the wrong places
So yeah, we're going down
They've got all the right moves in all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down"
"Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?"
Pearl Jam_Given To Fly
"Wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw,
Delivered him wings, "Hey, look at me now..."
Arms wide open with the sea as his floor"
"a human being that was given to fly"
One day I heard these songs and I loved them. And I don't loved just the music, I loved the lyrics too.
Watch this and enjoy.
By: Nitti*
quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010
Ana's favourite movie
My favourite movie is "The Ring". That movie tells the story of a group of friends who died and a jornalist decided to investigate this mysterious death. She found a videotape, watched it and received a call saying: "Seven days". She decided to tell this to a friend and when he finished watching the videotape he received the call too. Together they decided to investigate the origin of the videotape and she went to an island, and when she saw a house she remembered a few things in the videotape. Their investigations led them to the place where she and the teens saw the videotape. There they discovered a well and the journalist falls into it. Inside it was the dead girl who tells her story. Her mother wanted to have a daughter but she couldn't so she adopted her. When her mother discovered that she had a psychological problem she decides to choke her and throw her to the well, where she died after seven days.
After that the jornalist was saved by her friend who ends up being killed by the videotape girl.
I liked that movie because I think it was interesting and horrible the way that the mother killed he daughter just because she was not a perfect daughter. People shouldn't reject the others just because they are different or because they have problems. We live in a community with many prejudices. I liked the mistery around the videotape and the girl's death too.
"The Ring 2" has already been made.
Joana's favourite movie
The Amityville Horror
I love this movie, because is based in true storie and is exating and have a little part funny... I'm not crazy... =P
quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010
The boy who fixed the World
The son went away and returned briefly, much to the surprise of the man his son had fixed the world and stuck it in place. Amazed, the father asked how he had managed it, the child responded: “It was easy, I turned the pieces over and found that there was a man on the other side, so I fixed the man and the world fell into place”."

quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

The Evil Scientist

What I saw, I would never forget...
he was ugly, small and frightful. His laboratory has glassware with things that changed colour.
He took a blue bottle and poured the liquid on a death body. The man woke up and when he opened his eyes and saw the evil scientist, tried to scream but the man was killed by the evil scientist.
The evil scientist covered the eyes and mouth of the man, and poured the blue liquid again on death body and ran away.
The man woke up again, confused and scared. He maybe escaped the fate and the evil scientist mabe wasn't so evil.
By: Ju
quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010
Foo Fighters_Best Of You
"Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
It's real, the pain you feel
Your trust?
You must confess
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
It's real, the pain you feel
The life, the love you'd die to heal
The hope that starts the broken heart
Your trust?
You must confess"
By: Nitti*
quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010
Gamer Generation
After that so many games appeared and became a sign of fun and competition.
We have chosen two very different games and will talk about them:

In travian we have to create and protect our village.
We can choose between three tribes in Travian: Romans, Gauls and Teutons. Each tribe has advantages and disadvantages and their troops are also very different.
At the beginning we should try to get a good economic basis. In order to do so we have to extend the 18 resource fields. There are four different types of resource fields: Woodcutter, Clay pit, Iron mine and Cropland.
Later in the game the buildings in the village become important too.
Some buildings can only be built if you fulfil the prerequisites which are other buildings.
Counter Strike:

Counter-Strike (commonly abbreviated to CS) is a tactical first-person shooter video game. The game has been expanded into a series since its original release, which currently includes Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Anthology and Counter-Strike on Xbox. Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter in which players join either the terrorist or counter-terrorist team (or become a spectator). Each team attempts to complete their mission objective and/or eliminate the opposing team. Each round starts with the two teams spawning simultaneously, usually at opposite ends of the map from each other. Players are generally given a few seconds before the round begins to prepare and buy equipment, during which they cannot attack or walk/move. Each round is won by either completing the mission objective or eliminating the opposing force.
These are online games. It can be played with a lot of people even with somebody we don't know. It can be very addictive too. A lot of people forget everything that goes on around them and just play day and night. But this kind of games are making that traditional games, like cards, domino or bingo, to be forgotten.

Some games are simulation games, like Sims. This kind of games make us take care of a virtual person and build it's home. All the games improve our skills, like leadership and stratergy skills.

Ana like to play all kind of games but doesn't have a favorite because she plays a lot of games.
Joana doesn't like games.
quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010
The Evil Scientist

... I looked for everywhere and no sign of the evil scientist. I walked slowly and silently. To my left I saw a lot of colored potions and in the middle of the room were two machines similar to a chair controlled by a variety of buttons and levers. Sitting in that strange machine were two men, involved in a lot of threads. I heard on door open and I hid behind another strange machine. At that time I saw the scientist clearly, a crazy and disheveled man with glasses. I saw he pressed some buttons and pulled some levers and I heard the machine make a strange noise. The two men seemed to be asleep but they trembled when the evil scientist turned on the machine. A lot of lights turned on and off and something made a lot of noise. I couldn't understand what was happening but I was very scared. After that I just remember waking up in my bed.
terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010
Deixai a morte entrar
A que vem para mim, pra me levar.
Abri todas as portas par em par
Com asa a bater em revoada.
Quem sou eu neste mundo? A deserdada,
A que perdeu nas mãos todo o luar,
A vida inteira, o sonho, o mar
E que, ao abri-las, não encontro nada!
Ó mãe! Ó minha mãe! Pra que nasceste?
Entre agonias e em dores tamanhas
Pra que foi, dize lá, que me trouxeste
Dentro de ti?... Pra que eu tivesse sido
Somente fruto amargo das entranhas
Dum lírio que em má hora foi nascido!...
segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010
Blue Jeans

Jeans fabric, or denim, originated independently in two places: the French town of Nîmes, to which 'denim' owes its name; and in India, where trousers made of denim material were worn by the sailors of Dhunga, which came to be known as dungarees.
At the same time, denim trousers were made in Chieri, a town near Turin (Italy), during the Renaissance, and were popularised in the 19th century. These trousers were sold through the harbour of Genoa, which was the capital of the independent Republic of Genoa which was long an important naval and trading power. Early examples of trousers were made for the Genoese Navy, which required all-purpose pants for its sailors. They required pants that could be wet or dry, the legs of which could be worn while swabbing the deck. These were laundered by dragging them in nets behind the ship, and the sea water and sun would gradually bleach them to white. They were worn by Genoan sailors and stevedores in France.Traditionally, jeans are dyed to a blue color using indigo dye. Approximately 20 million tons of indigo are produced annually for this purpose, though only a few grams of the dye are required for each pair of trousers.

Jeans can be worn loosely or snugly. Historic photographs indicate that in the decades before they became a staple of fashion, jeans generally fit quite loosely, much like a pair of bib overalls without the bib. Indeed, until 1960, Levi Strauss denominated its flagship product "waist overalls" rather than "jeans".