quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

The boy who fixed the World

"One day a man came home after a long and tiring day at work. His young son wanted his attention, but he was tired, so the man took a picture from a magazine which had the world on it and tore it into neat pieces. The man sent his son away with the pieces and said “come back when you’ve fixed the world”, smirking at the realistic impossibility of being able to do such a thing.

The son went away and returned briefly, much to the surprise of the man his son had fixed the world and stuck it in place. Amazed, the father asked how he had managed it, the child responded: “It was easy, I turned the pieces over and found that there was a man on the other side, so I fixed the man and the world fell into place”."

1 comentário:

  1. Good story! But I'm sure you could come up with an original one, right? Have a great day.
