quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010


We woke up sunddenly... The alarm clock showed it's 5 a.m., we looked around and we sensed something wasn't right...we looked at the alarm clock again and we opened our eyes wide and statled when we saw the calendar...it was the year 2110...
...Before we got up we heared a voice asking us: "What do you want?". It was a small robot looking at us and waiting for our answer. "Were are we?", was the only thing I could say.
-Miami. Choose what you want to do or eat.
-I want a croissant with butter and a natural orange juice. -said Joana.
-And I want know where we are and why we are here.- said Ana.
-You arrived at 3 a.m. and ask for a room with overlooking to the beach. This is the year 2110.-answered the robot.
-Ok!!! Well, I want a fruit salad.
The robot went away and we looked out the window. We saw a beach with a lot of people. The water was light blue and there were some boats in the water. Right next to the hotel was a swimming pool. The robot reentered the room.
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
We ate quickly and went for a walk in the beach. We saw cars in the water and cars flying without a driver. People were always with a robot and ordered the robot to do everything. We had lunch at the beach. The employees of the restaurant were robots. Robots cooking, robots serving, robots washing the dishes...
In the afternoon we went shopping. The shooping center was all automated. If we wanted to try on clothes there was a huge machine to choose the clothes we wanted from and we clicked on that and automatically we had the clothes dressed. If we wanted a coffee(eg) we just said to the machine "I want a coffee" and it just appeared. Then Ana remembered to watch what hours it was. She got her cell phone and... it was not Ana's cell phone. It looked more like a pocket computer, without keys, it just needed our voice to work.
It was almost night and Joana thought of how school would be in the year 2110. We went searching for this and we didn't find a school. We asked a man where the school was and he answered:
-What??? School what is that?
- It is a place where children learn a lot of things, and have to do homeworks and progress tests.-answered Joana.
-Ahhh! But children learn at home with a robot teacher. They learn at the time they want but have to do homeworks and progress tests too.
-How?-asked Ana.
-Well...they write all the things on a touch screen and the robot teacher says if that is right or wrong.
-Ok! That is very different of the things we have in the year 20...-Ana couldn't finish the sentence, she and Joana travelled in time and fell in school.

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